Zerex ZXEL2 DEX-COOL Antifreeze / Coolant - 55 Gallon Drum

Latest Price Zerex ZXEL2 DEX-COOL Antifreeze / Coolant - 55 Gallon Drum


Price : $ 679.68

If you’re looking for top recommended Zerex ZXEL2 DEX-COOL Antifreeze / Coolant - 55 Gallon Drum, then Zerex ZXEL2 DEX-COOL Antifreeze / Coolant - 55 Gallon Drum is our suggestion. Many good reviews already proving the quality of this product. The Zerex ZXEL2 DEX-COOL Antifreeze / Coolant - 55 Gallon Drum completed with a lot of capabilities which makes it great product. If you wish to know further of this location finding tools, just read its main Feature below.

Product Feature Zerex ZXEL2 DEX-COOL Antifreeze / Coolant - 55 Gallon Drum:

  • Zerex DEX-COOL also meets many of the European manufacturers phosphate-free and Asian manufacturers silicate-free requirements
  • Zerex DEX-COOL uses the highest quality virgin ethylene glycol for freeze and boilover protection
  • Approved for use in GM Vehicles produced beginning in 1996

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